Society for Vascular Surgery

Society for Vascular Surgery

Practice standards and outcomes are guided by recommendations put forth by the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), North America, its affiliated professional organizations (, and the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS). Compliance with these clinical guidelines affords patients world-class care, while detailed attention towards local-regional difference and nuances in disease processes provide the best combination of personalized care for our patients.

In keeping with facets of our core values; teamwork, innovation, and excellence, our surgeons helped form the Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of Singapore (SVESS) in January 2018. Dr. Wang serves as Treasurer for both this pioneering professional society, and the Vascular Surgery Chapter of the College of Surgeons, Singapore, with continued efforts to elevate practice standards, address contemporary healthcare issues, and represent the voice of vascular surgery within Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region.